I am female, and I love to play video games. "Le Gasp! Impossible!" say you men, but oh yes, we girl gamers are out there. I love my games! LOVE LOVE LOVE, om nom nom! I consider myself a PC gamer, mostly because I live up at the dorms of my university and lack a TV for consoles. I also compose music on my computer and therefore I love my PC too! So much so, that I actually have considered ways to carry my computer tower out of my dorms/house in case of a fire... Don't get me wrong though; I also love console games! I have a Wii, GBA, DS, PS2, PS3, and XBOX (well I mooch that off the boyfriend for Final Fantasy 13). So, I have a plethora of games that I have played and enjoyed!
What games suit my forte, then? Well here is a list of current games I am playing that are sucking the life out of me: Counter-Strike Source, Left 4 Dead(2), Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Pokemon, Oblivion, Dragon Age: Origins (I just love Alastair *squee*), and Mass Effect. Yep, they are all currently sucking out my soul, but in such a pleasing way. Which, I guess also bums me out sometimes because I really want to go to the mall on a shopping spree and let my girly side take over. Someone should make a game of a mall and I can go virtual shopping. WIN/WIN! Honestly though, I'm really not that sad...
I am currently at the University of Utah in the Entertainment Arts and Engineering major. In short, we learn about the creation of video games and animation. It's really fun! Sometimes it is challenging (*shakes fists at her programming classes*), but still it is fun. I'm on the art/film side of EAE, hence why I curse the programming gods. Well, I respect the people who can do it because frankly my brain cannot compute those hieroglyphics. I also know that programmers can create many things and are vital in the gaming and technology industry; it's just me and programming don't get along well. It's a love-hate relationship.
Being a girl gamer is fun. It is sometimes fun to see/hear reactions of people when they find out you play video games. Though, this can be a faulty. I play Counter-Strike Source and Left 4 Dead(2) in which I use a mic. Sometimes reactions to my voice are...well, here are the two main question I am asked: 1) Are you a 13 year old boy? and 2) are you hot? Sometimes you silly boys out there can become, well silly and annoying. I could always "not" use the mic I suppose. Then again, it is hard to type out BOOMER! or TANK! or GET THIS WITCH OFF OF ME! in a panic. I end up screaming like a girl.
~'Tis the life~